S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a first person shooter game series from the Ukrainian developer team GSC Game World, published by THQ. The game takes place in a 'near future' version of the famous Ukrainian exclusion zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Another nuclear disaster has happened, which has caused strange changes in the area. The player assumes the identity of a 'Stalker' with amnesia. An illegal explorer and artifact scavenger of 'The Zone', who was found by a black market trader near a car crash. The Stalker has a strange mark, and a memory of the name Strelok. The game is non-linear, and features a semi open world with lots of different directions and plots. What makes the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series exceptionally interesting, is that the world is a 3D photo realistic version of the real landscapes and buildings surrounding Chernobyl. The real-world exclusion zone has been completely abandoned since the 80's after the reactor meltdown, and many stories of mutated animals and strange things have surfaced. The games take you to these real high risk areas, with a capturing atmosphere of exploring something dangerous. The real life myths and stories makes you wander what to expect, and adds a hint of mystic to the mix. The series is very well made and definitely still worth playing despite age, especially with the Complete-Mods updates and additions.

This article documents a product currently under development - information may change frequently and could be outdated or irrelevant.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Lost Alpha
Release dates
WindowsApril 26, 2014
ControlsDirect control
GenresAction, Shooter
Art stylesRealistic
ThemesEastern Europe, Post-apocalyptic

Stalker Pripyat Cheats

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl2007
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky2008
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat2009
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Lost Alpha (Unofficial)2014
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 22021
  • 2Essential improvements
  • 3Game data
  • 6Audio
  • 7Issues fixed
  • 9Other information
  • 10Modifications
Key points
Fan game that tries to recreate the original design and atmosphere of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl as seen early in development.
Does not require any of the official S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games installed.
General information
Official site
Mod DB page


Official website Free download.

Essential improvements[edit]


Standalone install and new game start needed.
The latest official patch v1.4007 titled Director's Cut is available at Moddb.com.

Skip intro videos[edit]

Start game with -nointroparameter[citation needed]

Game data[edit]

Configuration file(s) location[edit]

Windows <path-to-game>appdatauser.ltx[Note 1]

Save game data location[edit]

Windows <path-to-game>appdatasavedgames[Note 1]


Video settings.
Graphics featureStateNotes
Widescreen resolution
4K Ultra HD
Field of view (FOV)Open console and type fov xx (replace xx with the FOV you want).
Borderless fullscreen windowedDisable fullscreen and set the game's resolution to the same value you use for your screen.
Anisotropic filtering (AF)
Anti-aliasing (AA)MSAA. Available only for DX10 and DX11 renderers. Broken in 1.3000.
Vertical sync (Vsync)Recommended to force through your GPU control panel
60 FPS and 120+ FPS


Keyboard and mouseStateNotes
RemappingBinding anything to F5 or to any key already being used will crash the game on load.
Mouse acceleration
Mouse sensitivity
Mouse input in menus
Mouse Y-axis inversion
Controller supportSee the glossary page for potential workarounds.


Audio featureStateNotes
Separate volume controls
Surround sound1.3002 onwards only supports non-OpenAL software driver (described in menu as DirectSound), though OpenAL32.dll is still being used, and can be replaced with Win32 OpenAL Soft library, to enhance positioning (Rapture3D 2.7.4 no longer works like in SoC, returning error). Copied dsound.dll to the game directory has priority over OpenAL library, so don't forget to delete dsound.dll if you wan't to use OpenAL (1.4005).
Closed captions
Mute on focus lostNo option to disable it.
EAX support


PolishFan translation. Can be downloaded here.

Stalker Call Of Pripyat Enb Mod

Issues fixed[edit]

Unable to save, load or make screenshots[edit]

Install in non-default location[citation needed]
Install the game outside Program Files.
Run as Administrator[citation needed]
  1. Right click your game shortcut.
  2. Select 'Run as Administrator'.

Missing footstep sounds[edit]

This bug can also cause game crashes.
Disable first person body awareness[citation needed]
  1. While in-game, open console with ~ button.
  2. Enter g_actor_body off command.

Various problems on 32bit systems[edit]

Delete files[citation needed]
  1. Go to <path-to-game>bins
  2. Delete or rename msvcp120.dll, msvcp120d.dll and msvcr120.dll.

Low FPS troubleshooting[edit]

Game settings tips for preserving the best graphics and performance
Max out and turn on all settings, and to improve FPS, set sliders and options as following (ready config):
  • Vision distance to 5/11 (0 or 2 causes frequent disappearing of some objects)
  • Objects detail to 3 or 4+ (0 - low texture quality in distant [e.g. on hills in Cordon - avoidable by setting 2-3 points above 0])
  • Grass density to 0 (or 3/4, 1/4, depends on a taste)
In the second place:
  • Grass shadows off (minor visual impact with some performance impact, though depends on API and taste)
  • Sun rays off (like above)
  • HDAO is claimed to be optimized for AMD
  • HBAO for Nvidia cards (the last option)
Disable for 1 FPS gain on each (from 23 FPS):
  • Ambient Occlusion (entirely)
  • FXAA
  • Soft Particles
  • Anisotropic Filtering
  • MSAA from x2 to 0
  • Keep Sun shadows always on (massive change of lighting)
  • V-Sync off (reportedly reported frame lock working sometimes below native monitor frequency - depending on FPS dips; alternatively force V-Sync in your GPU panel)
  • Keep textures in RAM off
  • Object prefetching on (disabled cause stuttering, delete -noprefetch from your shortcut properties).
Settings tested on Q9650/HD7870.
  • Some settings may require the game restart, even if you're not asked to do so (e.g. grass density, texture quality, MSAA).
  • Restart the game (instead of just clicking quit the game and load last save) in case of performance decrease after changing details a lot of times.
  • If your game settings stopped to be saved after the game restart, change the settings and save them before loading the game.
  • Run the game only from a desktop shortcut to avoid crash on launch.
  • Alt+Tab cause engine error (at least with Reshade). As a workaround, disable full screen, and enable it again after task switching.
  • Game utilizes the computing power of more than two cores mostly only during loading (at least distributes load rather linearly only at this moment).
Use compatibility mode of Windows Vista SP2 or XP SP3
Double FPS boost in certain, rather more rare areas with ~>99% GPU usage, and is visible after >1 minute after loading save (e.g. Monolith base. Before and after saves - also settings testing place)
Causes very slow level loading times, saves, the main menu, or causes rare hang after pressing ESC.
  • You can preserve FPS gain achieved in compatibility mode by saving the game and loading it in the game launched normally.
  • FPS drops again after triggering progress during quests (e.g. after quest text appearing, spawning new enemies - usually when the game stops for a few seconds, or stutters).
  • Turn on shader cache in GPU driver panel to increase save and level loading times (SSD recommended).
  • Compatibility mode in some cases increases VRAM usage by ~300 MB.

'Can't open video stream' crash[edit]

Install Xvid[citation needed]
Install Xvid.

Stalker Call Of Pripyat Enb Download

VR support[edit]

3D modesNative Notes
Officially supported game, see official vorpx game list.

Other information[edit]



Stalker Call Of Pripyat Enb 5


Stalker Call Of Pripyat Enb


Maddo CoC Reshade[edit]

ENB + SweetFX Mod[edit]

Other presets[edit]

System requirements[edit]

Operating system (OS)XP7, 8. 10
Processor (CPU)2 GHz Intel Core i5, i7 3.5 GHz
AMD equivalent 3.5 GHz
System memory (RAM)2 GB8 GB
Hard disk drive (HDD)20 GB20 GB
Video card (GPU) Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT
ATI/AMD Radeon HD3000 series
Nvidia GeForce GT700 series
ATI/AMD Radeon HD7000 series


  1. 1.01.1When running this game without elevated privileges (Run as administrator option), write operations against a location below %PROGRAMFILES%, %PROGRAMDATA%, or %WINDIR% might be redirected to %LOCALAPPDATA%VirtualStore on Windows Vista and later (more details).
